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Volunteers are love in motion.

Here at Care Wiki, we value the generosity of individual volunteers and their passion to help the community.

If small changes come together, it makes a big impact.

You can volunteer to write news articles about the scientific topic you are interested in, and this can be the opportunity for you to grow your knowledge and researching skills. Your contribution would also help our community’s wellbeing by giving them awareness on issues regarding healthcare and medical science.

You can also volunteer to make posters or pamphlets that demonstrate how to wear masks properly or how to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The public would be able to download the posters so they could use them in their own stores/businesses. Providing these to the public would help to ensure the wellbeing of our community by sharing valuable information and emphasizing the crucial rules to prevent the spread of the virus. 

Volunteer: Text
Team Meeting

Come Work with Us

If you would like to participate in researching and writing science articles, or making posters for public use, please enter the following information.

Thanks for submitting!

Volunteer: Job Application
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